ARNNE’s Network of Rescues

Dogs 2nd Chance Munford, TN 38058
Concord Merrimack County SPCA 130 Washington Street, Penacook, NH 03303 Phone: (603) 753-6751 Fax: (603) 753-9709 [shelter_list shelter_id=”NH09″]
Cocker Spaniel Rescue Of New England CSRNE, Inc. PO Box 162 Greenfield, NH 03047 603-547-3363
Sullivan County Humane Society 14 Tremont Street Post Office Box 111 Claremont, New Hampshire 03743 603-542-3277 [shelter_list shelter_id=”NH83″]
Fees Dogs 6 months of age and younger $475 Dogs 6 months of age and older $450 Senior Dogs, Paired Dogs, Dogs with Special Needs Reduced Rates
dogs 2nd chance Munford TN Tennessee dog rescue sometimes sends dogs north